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  • Fat Transfer to the Face (Facial Fat Grafting) in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Al Ain

Fat Transfer to the Face (Facial Fat Grafting) in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Al Ain

What is Facial Rejuvenation Using Fat Grafting?

Facial fat grafting, also known as fat transfer, can be a better choice than fillers, especially if more volume is needed around the jawline, cheeks, and eyes. Fat can be used anywhere a dermal filler can be injected and is proven to last longer than dermal filler in terms of preserving fullness. The use of a patient’s fat instead of other chemicals, while removing unwanted body fat can be the ideal solution. Fat transfer to the face can be used to create more long-term improvements for:

  • Loss of facial volume due to weight loss
  • Wrinkles
  • Deep creases in the face and the neck
  • Signs of aging resulting in loss of facial volume
  • Small lips


Who is a Good Candidate?

The most ideal candidates for fat grafting to the face are patients who are wanting to correct skin depressions, indentations, and loss of volume in the facial area. Commonly grafted areas also include hands, breasts, and buttocks. The patient must have donor sites (areas with sufficient fat for harvesting) and no circulation problems.

How it’s Done

Fat transfer treatment is a two-step process performed simultaneously and can take anywhere from one to four hours, depending on the area(s) that are treated.

First, the unwanted fat from the desired area is removed using a liposuction suction cannula. The surgeon will ensure to contour the donor site or sites to obtain the desired aesthetic outcome.

Then, the fat is processed and purified (centrifuged) to obtain its richest form. A centrifuge device will separate the fat cells from other tissue and cells that may have been extracted during the liposuction process.

After the centrifugation process, the fat is then strategically injected into the designated facial areas in small quantities.


Every fat transfer procedure varies in cost, depending on each patient’s case. After the consultation and determination of the patient’s detailed treatment plan, they will learn the full cost of the procedure. Fat Transfer to the Face

What is Facial Rejuvenation Using Fat Grafting?

Facial fat grafting, also known as fat transfer, can be a better choice than fillers, especially if more volume is needed around the jawline, cheeks, and eyes. Fat can be used anywhere a dermal filler can be injected and is proven to last longer than dermal filler in terms of preserving fullness. The use of a patient’s fat instead of other chemicals, while removing unwanted body fat can be the ideal solution. Fat transfer to the face can be used to create more long-term improvements for:

  • Fat loss
  • Loss of facial volume
  • Wrinkles
  • Deep creases in the face and the neck
  • Sagging jowls
  • Signs of aging
  • Small lips

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